Small and medium-sized financing has become substantially more complex and difficult, not least because of the financial crisis and the new regulations of Basel III. This calls for new approaches and solutions.
Bank-alternative financing solutions and sources of capital are in demand!
This demand for financing is currently offset by a changed financing offer, and this will continue to be the case in future too. Within the framework of the supervisory regulations of Basel II and III, banks have to successively increase their equity and/or their core capital quotas. This means that not only equity costs increase, but also loan conditions. To generate as high a yield as possible on the limited equity of the banks, there will be a stronger selection of the borrowers according to credit standing/rating.
This changed starting situation has already led to a rethink at many small and medium-sized enterprises with regard to their financing strategy. Although bank loans will remain an important, vital element in financial management in the future, additional “components” will gain in importance in the financing mix.
In addition to bank financing, there will therefore increasingly be a demand for bank-alternative and bank-complementary financing solutions and sources of capital for increasing liquidity and strengthening equity.
Besides, the equity rate, as a fundamental influencing factor on the rating grade and the further financial viability, can be increased through intelligent financing components and balance sheet optimization measures.
youmex will provide you with access to new capital providers and new capital sources. For this, we draw on our long-standing international partner network that consists of debt, equity and mezzanine providers as capital partners. We organise the procurement of capital through financial intermediaries and institutional investors, e.g.
youmex arranges financing for various purposes and provides suitable, case-related financing concepts for the respective purpose.
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